Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sick Sick Sick, Hats Hats Hats

I seem to have come down with some sort of ridiculous cold. I don't remember the last cold I had, I get them so rarely. Because of this, I am a total wuss when it comes to dealing with them. Rick is over for a few days because I don't have to work, and he has been making me tea a couple times a day. I am currently drinking one that I made myself, and it's not nearly as good as his. Maybe I should get sick more often, he takes pretty good care of me then.j

I brought two hats into Made In Windsor today. One was green that I don't think I mentioned on here at all, the other was brown. I am working on a grey hat now. Homespun and the grey I got from Zellers recently. I am trying to figure out other nice colours to start on after I finish this one. I really like the look of the Homespun, but it's not the manliest of yarns.
I am working on a few small projects to hopefully sell at Made In Windsor in the near future. They use a small amount of yarn, can be finished quickly, and are pretty enjoyable to knit. They should be shown soon!

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