Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sometimes, Life Gets in The Way

For the longest time, I was updating three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with the occasional post on the weekend. Lately, I just haven't been able to keep up with that. I have quotas I want to meet for new items for the rebrand, which means I am knitting even more than usual. I've even been knitting on my breaks at work! Last week, I took the bus to go for dinner with a friend, and even got some knitting done on the bus. (more on this later) I'm trying really hard to get my stash eliminated as much as possible. I managed to get three balls of yarn used up this week, if you count the tiny balls I am donating. This brings me to +57. I'm getting there!
I'm starting to go through my yarn and finding more yarns that I thought I really liked, but after more consideration, they're just not what I want. I don't know what to do with them now. Part of me wants to donate to a group that can use it, but the rest of me says "hey, you put a lot of money out for this, don't just give it away." Does that make me a bad person? I hope not. It will still take me some time to decide what I want to do with all this extra yarn.
Now, about dinner! There is a new place in Windsor that opened, called The Nacho Suite that I heard about on Windsorite. I have a friend that loves to try new foods, so we made arrangements on Twitter to meet up there and try some food. Totally delicious, and I can't wait to go back. I'm planning on trying the seafood option next time.
Have you tried any new restaurants lately?

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