Saturday, July 4, 2009

Craft Night at Phog!

This past Thursday was Craft Night. But it wasn't just any craft night, it was probably the best we've had so far.
Several new faces showed up, as well as a couple that hadn't been in a while, not to mention most of the regulars. I taught Richard how to knit, and once he got going, he did well.
I started on the red tube scarf for Sonia. Still working on it for short bursts between work. (I got a second job working from home. I'm working for Windsor Insider, doing something I have a great feeling about.) Figures this is the only photo of me knitting that night, and I'm texting. Yes, I did shave my head, no my hair is not all falling out, it's the lighting and the angle that makes me look bald.
After craft night, we went outside and played with Sam's banners (I hate the word bunting) up against a wall, and she took some fantastic pictures.
Here is one.
We tried stringing the flags up on yarn between two hydro poles, but the wind was not letting us do this. Let to right in this photo: Richard, Justin (of Broken City Lab), Ashley, Sam and myself. (I'm not that tall, Sam and Ashley are just short)
I'm not sure who suggested it, but eventually we moved over to a wall, and put them all up there.
Photos of this are available at Sam's blog.


  1. i THOROUGHLY enjoyed CNAP this week! i'm happy people were into my bunting (gayest word ever. we srsly need to think of something else to call it). i'll need to think of some more super easy group crafts. i'm thinking painted rocks? (i've been wanting to do this for months).

    laura took probably 75% of the pictures, lol. i was too busy stapling to take many pictures :) i still can't believe how productive that meeting was.

  2. Hello was here dropping by...have a great day.
