Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Debt Update

After some incredibly rude comments the last time I updated about my debt, I decided I'm not going to let assholes get me down, and I'm going to keep updating about this. As a side bar, if you have a problem with me, or anything I blog about, you don't have to follow me. You also don't need to comment anonymously on this or any of my other blogs.
Anyway! Now that that's off my chest, here goes! I bought Rick's birthday gift partially on my credit card, because it was an online purchase. The other portion used up some Amazon gift cards I had saved up from SwagBucks. Some people might suggest skipping buying gifts because I am pretty broke, but that's just something I won't do. He got me an incredible birthday gift this month, and I feel the need to return the favour. His gifts were something he specifically asked for, and he was with me when I ordered them.
Without getting into anything too specific, my debt is now around $1475. I'd purchased some earring supplies a little while ago that weren't charged to my card right away, and I had kind of forgotten about them.
I decided I'm going to use a part of what I make at my two upcoming craft shows to pay down some of my credit card. Normally, I use it for rent, and treat Rick and I to a nice meal at a restaurant, but I'm going to be a little more responsible this time around. With work hours being what they are, I need to make this money work!


  1. Don't let buttholes get you down. I like reading your blog and can identify with your debt problems too. In the end money is just money and if you can't spend it on those you love how else can you enjoy it. We pay bills but who enjoys that? :)

    1. Thanks Missy! That's almost exactly how I feel about money. Having the debt stresses me out, but not to the point where I want to stop living a decent life. If I'm just working to pay the bills, I'm an unhappy person.

  2. It's really sad that people are rude! I think people forget that everyone has problems, and not most people will actually air them in public. BUT people like to watch it on TV. I know I do. What I suggest to you (if you haven't already thought of it) try to commit yourself to a set amount. If you want your debt to be gone in a year, that would be $123 a month, plus interest. Have you made a budget? You can download some templates off microsoft to track expenses. I have my own template and I use it all the time.

    1. I use Mint to budget. It's amazing, it gathers all the information from my bank account so all I need to do is add cash transactions, and occasionally change the category some transactions went into. Plus, it's free!
      I have $50 a month in my budget for paying off the credit card, and $25 for the knitting machines. If I have the money, I add it to the former to get the amount I'm paying interest on down. I want to pay my parents back, but they know money is tight, and I can't afford to do it just yet.
      Thanks for your constructive comment! it's nice to get some of those amongst the jerk-ish ones

  3. What do you have for knitting machines?

    1. They're both Singer, i think. I've had them over a year, and they're still sitting and waiting for me to use them. my dad is making me a table to use them on sometime in the very near future. once i get them set up, i will definitely be blogging about them :D
