Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hello again, Rachael!

Rachael is a year long sponsor of Knit, Nicole, Knit! and I love hearing from her every month.
What are your three favourite etsy shops, besides your own?
I've always been a huge fan of TheBlackApple on etsy! Her stuff is kind of what made me start selling on etsy!
I don't have any others.. they change daily!
Wow, really nice stuff in that shop! Love it!

What is your favourite green treat to consume on St. Patrick's Day? Are you doing anything fun for the holiday?
My favorite green treat is probably the drink my mom makes every year.. it involves ginger ale, and something else mysterious... I never know, but I like it!
This year I'm getting a tattoo! It's not FOR the holiday.. it's actually the day my pup Mowgli passed away.. So, I'm getting a tattoo in his honor.. it happens to be the day before St. Patrick's day.
Mowgli was such a cute pup. I bet the hattoo in his honour will be beautiful.

What are you most looking forward to with the start of spring?
I'm excited to start planting a garden!
I'm definitely excited for gardening, too!


  1. Lovely sponsor! I am intrigued by this green drink you speak! And sad to hear about your puppy, but I bet the tattoo will be super cute. ^.^

  2. Hey Nicole! hehehe not creepy! =) I am honoured that you saved the photo for inspiration! that's the whole point of my blog to inspire!! =) and I am so happy you liked the makeup! I see you are a Canadian too =) I have never been to Ontario! nHave you been to Vancouver?
